Saturday, July 14, 2012


Hey from Antwerpen.

After having an enjoyable breakfast with Jasper and Geertjan we started to head out to hitch-hike to Antwerpen. Guys in Eindhoven gave us a great experience and made leaving Netherlands hard to do, as we liked it there too much ;)

Using Jaspers advice we headed to the highway that goes towards Antwerpen from Eindhoven. It took us about 2 hours to get our first ride, but it was a great one, as we were taken all the way to Belgium border. From there we had 3 more helpers that eventually  got  us to Antwerpen safely. Truely a great experience, as  it was our first time hitch-hiking on this trip.

We needed to find a new host at Antwerp, as we hadn`t heard anything back from Bert, who we made plans to stay with at first. We were lucky enough to find Sofie and Johan, who were extremely helpful by offering us a place to stay  with short notice. They also shared their dinner with us, a Belgian meal - mashed potatoes with chicory and cheese sauce - which tasted absolutely great. 

After dinner they even offered to loan bikes for us to take a trip around town. Antwerpen looked just beautiful and driving around with a bicycle was an facinating experience. We didn´t find one part of town that we hoped to see, but we saw other cool places anyway. It also got dark already so we were able to see how the city looks at night aswell. Once back from the ride Johan had a fighting game session with us. He is a really good player so we didn´t have much of a chance against him.

Have to say Big Thank You to Sofie and Johan for making our short stay in Antwerpen so enjoyable =)

Tomorrow we´re heading to Brussels, where we will be staying with Sietske. Plan is to take part of activities at the CS Brussels Summer event.

Note of the day: Even a little bit can get you far in hitch-hiking! Just have to write the right thing on the sign - learned it the hard way.

Hitching a ride to Antwerp


  1. Cool! I hope you enjoy your trip!

  2. Very nice!

    I hope you are having a great time!

    Keep posting videos as well :)
